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Sant Aniol de Finestres is a small town full of charms, where everything related to nature stands out. Immersed in a natural environment of first line delights us with corners and charming places that will make us disconnect from our hectic day to day. 

Here are some of the places of interest in Sant Aniol de Finestres:

- Remains of the Castle of Finestres that we find at 950 meters high between Sant Antoni and Santa Pau. Building surrounded by cliffs and small dimensions.

- We also highlight in Sant Aniol the churches of Sant Miquel de Bustins, the church of Sant Julià de la Melca, the church of Sant Joan de Medes and the church of Santa Maria de Finestres.

- On the other hand, also in the municipality of Sant Aniol find the site of Roc de la Melca, a large block of rock that was once used as a place to live by a small group.

Already in the municipality of Sant Esteve de Llémena we highlight 4 points of interest:

- The church of Sant Esteve, which is located about 500 meters from the village and where restoration and conservation works are currently underway.

- The hermitage of Sant Cebrià where every year a popular climb is held to place a flag on a mound near the hermitage.

- The chapel of Bell-Lloc de Llémena dedicated to the Mother of God and with architectural elements of interest such as the bell tower, the access door or the roof on both sides.

- The bridge of the church of Sant Esteve built in 1885 and that connects with the road to Girona and has been recently restored.

And finally, in the small town of La Barroca we highlight:

- The small and ancient church of Sant Andreu de La Barroca which was built in the seventeenth century and is located on the border between La Vall de Llémena and La Vall de Hóstoles.

- The sanctuary of Santa Lena of Romanesque origin and that a few years ago was rehabilitated throughout its interior.


- The hermitage of Sant Roc: from this place of interest you can have excellent views of Girona, Rocacorba and the Empordà.

We have tried to list and give a few hints of these places of interest in Sant Aniol de Finestres, however, we leave this website for you to visit where you can go into more detail about each of them:



When one thinks of making a getaway to La Garrotxa one of the first things that comes to mind is that of how well I'm going to eat! And it is the truth, the volcanic cuisine of La Garrotxa is a well prepared cuisine with quality local products of the place.

In La Garrotxa we will find a multitude of restaurants with a common link between them all, a cuisine prepared with a very own stamp and a very powerful traditional cuisine base that has been maintained over the years.

We can find a multitude of dishes and products, here are some of them:

- The "fessols" of Santa Pau, small beans and elaborated with little cooking time. It is ideal to accompany meats or as a first course sautéed with bacon.

- The native meats of La Garrotxa, are presented either prepared with tasty sauces or simply grilled, being able to enjoy the juiciness of this raw material without great adornments. The sausages, entrecots or cheeks will make us touch the gastronomic heaven.

- The great variety of sausages, ranging from bull to secallona, through selected and varied cheeses. The sausages are handmade by small local producers fleeing from large manufacturers.

- The potatoes of Olot, a delicious typical dish of the lands of Girona, made with meat. These tasty potatoes will not leave us far from indifferent, you just have to accompany them with a good wine and enjoy the delicacy.

- For dessert we recommend the recuit, made with pasteurized goat's milk and is usually accompanied with honey and is ideal to eat with nuts.

Well, we are sure that we have already made you wake up the hunger. Without a doubt we recommend you to come to La Garrotxa to enjoy a very sincere gastronomy, elaborated with love and with fresh products of the area.

Fageda d`en Jordà


We really wanted to make a post exclusively about a visit to the Fageda d`en Jordà to go into a little more detail in this fantastic and charming beech forest sitting on a lava flow of the Croscat volcano.

Of course you can visit the Fageda at any time of the year, but it is true that in autumn the forest acquires a special charm since a series of colors are mixed that make the place a chromatic festival.

We have not told you that the park is located in the charming village of Santa Pau and it is highly recommended to visit it on foot or by bicycle taking advantage of the different trails that we will find.

In this line we recommend you to follow the circular itinerary of 10 kilometers, starting and finishing at the same point. In addition, along the way we can connect with other interesting routes.

Special mention for the Santa Margarida Volcano and the Croscat Volcano. The first is currently covered by oak and deciduous forests, but in the crater area we will find meadows.

The Croscat volcano has the widest cone of the peninsula and a horseshoe shape. From part of the itinerary you can see the volcano inside. The extractions of clay at the time opened the crack that can be seen today, 100 meters high and 500 meters long.

If we want to make the visit in a different way you have the option of hiring a horse-drawn carriage in the parking lot of Can Serra. It is an activity that we recommend for those who have reduced mobility.

For your reference, Can Buch is located about 40 kilometers from the town of Santa Pau. And if you decide to make the excursion we recommend that you stop at one of the many restaurants in the area to taste our local cuisine. Of course, make a reservation to avoid last minute surprises.



La Garrotxa has become an ideal destination for a multitude of activities and discover each of its corners, so in this article we are going to propose different places of interest so you can plan a getaway to La Garrotxa.

- Ermita de Sant Roc and Santa Lena: near Can Buch we find two small Romanesque hermitages with a lot of charm, with excellent views of emblematic places such as the Old Quarter of Girona or the Medes Islands.

- Canet d`Adri: municipality located just 15 kilometers from Girona that combines the forests of alcinas with dry fields, creating a combination of great natural beauty.

- Old Quarter of Girona: of great interest for its cultural heritage, it becomes an essential visit in the city of Girona, formed by the wall, Arab baths and wine square, among other places.

- The Gorgs de les Planes d`Hostoles: highly recommended for hiking where we will find different gorgs ideal for cooling off.

- Historic Center of Sant Feliu de Pallerols: valley surrounded by volcanoes and with beautiful medieval villages that form the valley, a great proposal to get lost.

- La Vall d`en Bas: area rich in volcanoes of La Garrotxa, formed by charming villages such as Joanetes, Hostalets d`en Bas or El Mallol.

- Els Hostalets d`en Bas: small medieval village with narrow stone streets that together with the wooden balconies transport us to other times.

- La Fageda d`en Jordà by the Carrilet: of course we already told you about La Fageda, but we propose to make the visit in a different and fun way, through horse-drawn carriages.

- Santa Margarita Volcano: undoubtedly one of the most representative, which we find between Olot and the small village of Santa Pau. The volcano is covered with forests.

- Croscat volcano: like Santa Margarita, is well known in La Garrotxa with a crater with a peculiar horseshoe shape and located very close to the Fageda d`en Jordà.

- Santa Pau: small medieval town with a main square with a great personality that will not leave us indifferent due to its charm. On the other hand, the castle stands on the highest part of the town.

- Besalú: perhaps one of the best known and most touristic medieval villages in the area, also a must visit, full of bridges and buildings that will transport us to medieval times.

- Castellfollit de la Roca: small village also near Olot, with a spectacular viewpoint and a facade that surely we have seen many times in guidebooks or advertising brochures for its uniqueness and beauty.


Catalonia and in particular La Garrotxa offers us every summer a multitude of popular festivals of great tradition and that is why we are going to list some of them so that you can plan your getaways according to them. And on the other hand we are going to deepen in one of them that is the festival "Remença" in the Vall de Llémena.

In one article it is impossible to talk about each of these traditional festivals, so it would not be fair to leave any of them or not to be able to deepen so we are going to leave you this link where you can find much more detailed information:

As we have said we are going to enter a little bit in our little party, the "Remença" Festival of the Vall de Llémena that is celebrated every year in one of the 4 municipalities that form the commonwealth of the Vall de Llémena, these municipalities are Sant Aniol de Finestres, Sant Gregori, Canet d`Adri and Sant Martí de Llémena.

It is a festival of a playful nature, with activities for adults and for the little ones of the house where, on the other hand, the local restaurants usually offer samples of their local cuisine.

This festivity has its origins in medieval times, remembering the victory that represented the freedom of the Catalan peasants, tied until then to the tyranny of the feudal lords, giving beginning to the final stage of feudalism.

The different activities that are carried out have their links with this feudal stage, so we can find musical activities of medieval origin, theatrical performances, tales of princes and princesses or talks related to the theme.

For an economic price we can also enjoy a dinner based on grilled meats, enlivened with music or theatrical performances.

It is a small local festival that allows us to remember historical episodes of our people, organized with great passion, without great airs of grandeur and looking for the essence of our traditions.

Enjoy La Garrotxa


After a few dark years for all due to the pandemic, we are happy to shout with a loud voice that summer is here so we want to give you ideas to prepare your visit to La Garrotxa.

First of all we can say that we can do many activities, but one above all is to enjoy the wonderful natural landscapes that La Garrotxa offers us, its forests, volcanoes or small villages, we will enjoy nature and get rid of all the bad things that usually accompanies us.

There is no better perspective to visualize the beauty of La Garrotxa, to see it from the air so there is the possibility of a balloon ride to see from the air the different volcanoes in the area.

Another activity that we must do, is a route through the Fageda d`en Jordà, and go into the forest. There is the possibility of making a visit of about two hours with a guide and thus know in detail all its essence. 

On the other hand, along the transverse mountain range we find the peak of Puigsacalm where we can enjoy a sunset overlooking Montserrat and Pedraforca. This activity along with others such as trekking through the corners of the Vall d`en Bas can also be hired with a guide.

From a more cultural point of view, in the Vall de Bianya, we can visit small chapels and Romanesque churches. Combining this type of activity with an outdoor picnic with local products of the area will make us spend an unforgettable day.

The clear skies of La Garrotxa will allow us to enjoy activities related to astronomy. From the Hermitage of Sant Andreu de Guitarriu we will see how an astronomical field is organized and we will see and study the constellations with high-end telescopes.

In Can Buch we are experts in the area so we can advise you on different activities to do in La Garrotxa during your stay.



We cannot look the other way! Today we live in an unprecedented climate crisis and we have to adapt to new ways of life and remedy this problem that affects us all.

In Can Buch since its foundation, we have been very aware of these changes in our lives and we wanted to raise and adapt our business to this new way of living: more ecological and careful with our environment.

We believe that we can make our way of practicing tourism compatible with the climatic reality that we live in today by making available to our customers the possibility of practicing tourism in a responsible way.

We have mentioned it before in other articles, but we believe that we should emphasize it because of its importance.

In the philosophy section of our website you will find details of the fundamental aspects on which our way of doing things from a sustainable point of view is based:

- Energy sovereignty: we can say that Can Buch is totally self-sufficient and we say this with great pride and satisfaction. Thanks to the 36 solar panels we have, we generate 100% of the energy we need. 

On the other hand, the water comes from the rain that through a natural filtering system with sand and gravel is accumulated in a subway tank for later consumption.

To heat the water we use firewood from the forest that we collect ourselves, all under a forestry plan to manage the resources that nature gives us. And finally the efficiency in the management of wastewater that is conducted through drains and treated in a treatment plant that filters it in a natural way.

- Food sovereignty: under the premise of reduce, recycle and reuse we seek at all times self-sufficiency through good practices to carry out a sustainable agricultural production. Concepts such as recycling, waste management optimization or composting are fundamental to carry out this food self-sufficiency.

We invite you to enter the section and see more in depth everything we do to make our life compatible with the times we live in.

Here is the link:



La Garrotxa is one of the most charming areas of our geography so there are many couples, families or friends who decide to spend a few days in this region and enjoy all the activities that can be done in it.

We are going to detail some of them, but keep in mind that there are many corners of La Garrotxa to visit, so we recommend you to get lost without a specific destination and discover all its charms.

Within its territory we can find villages of great interest, they are usually small and each of them has its own personality, some of them are Castellfollit de la Roca, Besalú, Santa Pau, Sant Joan les Fonts, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, Joanetes, Hostalets d`en Bas, Beget and others that, although not mentioned in this list are very worthy of being visited.

As for the activities in La Garrotxa we highlight a walk through the Fageda d`en Jordà; you can say that it is the typical activity, but it is indescribable the feeling you get when you go into this beech forest.

La Garrotxa as volcanic land that is, offers a wide range of activities to do around their volcanoes. Here we leave you the most representative: Santa Margarita volcano, El Croscat or Montsacopa volcano. Anyway, to give you an idea of its dimension we can find up to 40 volcanic cones.

Although it does not belong to La Garrotxa but due to its proximity we recommend a trip to the lake of Banyoles and visualize its natural beauty, it is also the largest in Catalonia.

La Garrotxa is an ideal area for activities such as hiking, cycling, or balloon rides among many others so before you go it is advisable to see the countless things to do.

And of course, although it is not an activity itself, it is worth discovering the local cuisine of the place with typical Catalan restaurants with a variety of delicious dishes.

Do not hesitate, when you make your reservation at Can Buch, we will recommend activities to do so that you spend unforgettable days.



Through this article we propose you to spend New Year's Eve in La Garrotxa, in a first class natural environment to spend unforgettable days with the people you love.

Nowadays, on New Year's Eve, the trend is to go out to dinner with friends at a restaurant or celebrate it in a hotel, so from Can Buch we propose you to spend it with us. Spend a different New Year's Eve, in contact with nature, breathing clean air and tasting a cuisine that will take time to forget it.

For this special night we offer our customers a special signature menu at a price of 65 euros, where you can enjoy a cuisine with local products of the highest quality, all accompanied by a wine pairing to make the dinner a first class experience.

After dinner and after eating the grapes we will continue with our particular party with cotillion and drinks service enlivened with music where it will be very difficult to stay seated in the chair.

It is a special celebration, with your loved ones, in an ideal setting, avoiding copious parties and large crowds, valuing the moment and who we have next to us and sharing moments of infinite happiness.

What is more pleasant than getting up the day after a great night, open the window and see the landscapes of La Garrotxa starting the year with a breakfast with natural products of our year's eve in la garrotxa

In case you are interested in spending New Year's Eve at Can Buch, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible, as you know we have few rooms and the demand we have is very high and more for these dates.

Dinners in La Garrotxa


Last May we started the new activity of Can Buch Sundays, which consists of disconnecting from our day to day life through a relaxed and enjoyable meeting to share with your loved ones and with the rest of the attendees to the event

What do our Can Buch Sundays consist of and what is their objective?

We want that day to be different, a moment to let go and share without simply looking for anything, to feel good in a spectacular and ideal environment to spend a few pleasant hours accompanied by a delicious dinner made with natural products of excellent quality.

It is about enjoying life and the moment, it may seem a very common phrase but it is the pure reality, to be able to escape and enjoy what we have and that in many occasions we refuse to see and value, it is a simple time of our life in a pleasant company.

We have to tell you that all editions of Can Buch Sundays have been a real success, just seeing the faces of the attendees is enough to realize it.

The gastronomic dinners of our Can Buch Sundays are always accompanied by drinks in our chill out space and live music through a tasting of wines and tapas from our chef.

Our main satisfaction is to see those moments of sharing with each other, sharing experiences and experiences of our lives.

Save in your busy schedules those special Sundays from 17.00 to 24.00 hours, but keep in mind that it is necessary to book and the sooner the better since places are limited and seeing the degree of acceptance that we are having better be foresighted. 

To do this visit our Instagram account Canbuchsundays where we will keep you informed at all times about upcoming events.

La Garrotxa

Implementation of local development strategies

PROJECT: " Creation of Rural Tourism Farmhouse of Can Buch"

Implementation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 Co-funded by

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