Gerard Bofill
A change of habit, a change of priorities, a change of life
Yes. I had stopped listening to it for a long time and had prioritized my ego and my achievements over it.
So it was thatI left the city overnight. I did not know why, but I needed air, rest, calm and above all to reconnect to myself.
I went to live in a small country house and it was there that I discovered what a life of love and peace was.
Of course, adapting to a new rhythm and a new life was not easy at first, leaving a "city" life and changing it for a life surrounded only by animals and nature created some contrasts.
However, I gradually created a bond with all these little things that are typical of life in the countryside, I discovered alifestyle that cured me, that did me good.
Curiously enough, when I returned to the city, I would see that my life had moved away from all that and that those rhythms and ways of doing things no longer resonated with me.
I read a lot: nutrition, agriculture, health, holistic life, nature, geobiology, feng-shui... and I realized all those things that I had ignored and avoided, just because I believed what I saw or received from the "misinformation" media.
This is how the idea of creating Can Buch was born.
A paradise of peace, nature and health
I wanted to live in the country, quietly. Taking care of the land, people and animals around me.
I had the idea of moving away from consumerism and towards food independence. Yes, I wanted to have a vegetable garden, some animals which would help me take care of the surroundings of the farmhouse, and a house that was self-sufficient and environmentally friendly.
And, of course, to share this life with people: "To take care of ourselves and the planet".
This is how the Can Buch project began: an energy self-sufficient ecotourism with a large production of food. A project with the aim of closing the circle and doing things with total respect for life.
We built the country house in two and a half years with the help of artisans and using natural and eco-friendly building materials.
We used the stones we found, clay, ceramics and local lime to achieve a high quality finishing without using chemical or industrial materials.
A reconstruction based on everything I had read about: feng-shui, geobiology and craftsmanship in the area. A healthy country house.
The summer of 2020 came and it was time to share all this with you, we managed to open Can Buch.
After all this process, today, at 28 years of age, I can say that what makes me the happiest is being able to share this paradise of peace, nature and health with the people I love the most and who come to spend a few days, a few months or their lives here.
To care and to give love every moment.
In lak’ech.